Comments on: What do you want from this blog A (micro.)blog without a purpose. Tue, 21 Apr 2009 07:10:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: James Tue, 21 Apr 2009 07:10:08 +0000 In reply to Cyril Richert.

Well, given that I’m using a Google provided template, hosted on Google Documents, to provide the XML I fail to see where user error come into it when I’m frequently told that that maps do not always load.

I’m not quite sure what point you are trying to make with your second point. As you will know from our correspondence (and the correspondence you have had with other councillors) there are issues when councillors have to, or may have to, act quasi-judicially – most notably when exercising the planning or licensing functions and their actions subject to legal appeal. Unless you can correct me, I do not believe I have ever referred to pre-determination in any other circumstance.

By: Cyril Richert Mon, 20 Apr 2009 18:27:23 +0000 “Google maps is not terribly reliable”> Hmmm depending how you use it… is is fairly reliable for showing a lot of things:

More involvement in the community debate would be appreciated, as it seems that as soon as a question is difficult you have the possibility to claim that as a Councillor you cannot talk about this and that 😉

By: James Wed, 15 Apr 2009 21:46:50 +0000 In reply to Colm.

A good question. It is something I’ve been looking at, but suspect such interactive maps are far beyond my technical expertise. I looked at producing the maps for different time frames (e.g. months) and time bands (e.g. hour of day). Here the problem is finding the time to do it and also a fear that Google maps is not terribly reliable so I’m not sure how consistently it would present the data to visitors. If you know of any useful mapping tools please let me know.

On the second point, can I say (hopefully) welcome to Wandsworth!

By: Colm Wed, 15 Apr 2009 19:44:40 +0000 Is it possible to toggle the time frame of the crime maps, e.g. for a whole month or the year so far?

Other than that I would say that the focus of the blog is good coming from a (hopefully) soon to be local resident, particularly on the crime and regeneration front.

By: James Wed, 15 Apr 2009 14:54:18 +0000 In reply to JackP.

Yes, the primary audience are local residents. I would not particularly consider myself an ego-blogger looking for a huge audience, though I suspect I have my moments. And I do occasionally blog on subjects that are not directly related to the area. My suspicion is that I probably am too local and that some extra non-Wandsworth posting would improve the balance and add a bit of flavour.

A good point about the accessibility. I have tried to be as accessible and compliant as possible, but know there are bits that are not fully compliant (the hideously unreliable Google maps, for example, use iframes). But there’s no excuse for not having active and focus stylings – I’ll get that sorted in the next few days.

By: JackP Wed, 15 Apr 2009 14:42:53 +0000 What I want from the website is probably different to your target audience, as I am not a resident, merely a twitterer with interest in local government who came across you and your blog from there.

I imagine your target audience is people who live in your ward/council area, so you want to tell them about things which might impact upon them.

Me, I’m more interested in the ‘what is life like as a councillor’ bit. But with my ‘web accessibility’ head on, I’d like your styling to include :active and :focus styling on links, as well as :hover, to make it more friendly for non-mouse users.
