Comments on: Coleman is wrong on expenses A (micro.)blog without a purpose. Tue, 14 Jul 2009 15:16:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: James Tue, 14 Jul 2009 15:16:48 +0000 This has clearly attracted a couple of Coleman-haters. But JackP is absolutely right, anyone involved in politics should know that perception, as much as reality, is as important. By not revealing his expenses he is inviting people to assume that there is something there.

And I would defend political parties in local government. Even where there are ‘independent’ councils groups tend to form with people who have shared views and visions for their area – in effect local political parties (which may or may not have parallels with the national parties). You need only look at the register of political parties to see how many ‘official’ local parties there are.

Some sort of organisation is needed to develop, articulate and deliver a vision for an area. If everyone voted independently on every issue, without some guiding vision, councils would be directionless and elections meaningless.

By: JackP Tue, 07 Jul 2009 22:59:30 +0000

I don’t know what Brian Coleman’s expense claims are like

And no do I, but unless his expense claims get published, people will draw their own inferences. There will be an assumption that he has got ‘something to hide’ – irrespective of whether or not this is the case. He’s just made himself a target…

I find it difficult to believe that after the recent furore that any politician, of any party, can misjudge the public mood so spectacularly. After all, is it not the public who pay his salary?

By: Don't Call Me Dave Tue, 07 Jul 2009 16:30:24 +0000 I can’t imagine many people drooling over Brian Coleman’s private life. Frankly that is an image it will take many hours of therapy to remove!

At the next election, remember ABC. Anyone But Coleman.

By: Brian Coleman (aka Mr Toad) has GOT to go! Tue, 07 Jul 2009 16:19:59 +0000 Brian ‘expenses’ Coleman is an embarrassment to the Conservative Party for precisely the reasons you point out. And in the light of David Cameron’s comments and speeches on the issue it seems stupid at best – and self-servingly disloyal at worst.

By: Arun Marsh Tue, 07 Jul 2009 15:48:09 +0000 good post and shows why party politics is only useful as a tool for governance. How on earth can you expect to agree with all Tories? I can hardly agree with my own girlfriend half the time let alone god knows how many strangers I baulk at the idea of following a political party and voting for them every 4 years regardless of policy.

Why do local cllrs need to represent parties any way?
