A year of tracking with reporter-app. Average highs (top line), lows (bottom line) and just plain averages (middle line) on a self-reported 1-10 scale. Stuff I already knew? Perhaps, but some interesting stuff nonetheless.

The April-May slump is unsurprising: the result of returning to doorsteps that might not be hostile, but seem less positive each year. But I hadn’t appreciated the wider impact of a miserable campaign (my highs weren’t as high), nor that the numbers started going up a week before the end (correlating to the arrival of a few friends for the last few days).

The August peak. A holiday. Having your own pool is great, it seems.

What is perhaps more interesting is spotting the correlations between highs and lows and other factors which just don’t show up in a line.

But even that line brings a clarity worth many times the outlay for the app, not just when looking back, but when making decisions in the future.

“The cans are the filled with the special soup solution and then pass into the ‘Exhauster’ in the background.”

I just don’t understand why tinned roast chicken isn’t still a thing.